Wednesday 15 April 2015

I got nominated!

Hey guys!

It's 'What's On Wednesday' and today I have something a little different for you guys!  I was recently nominated for the Liebster award by Accio Victoria and Ciara Rose who both have lovely blogs that you should head over and check out.

The rules go as follows:
1. Link back and thank the person who nominated you.
2. List 11 facts about yourself.
3. Answer the 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
4. Nominate 5-11 blogs/bloggers who have 200 followers or less & give them 11 questions of your choice.
5. Notify your nominees & give them a link back to your post!

11 facts about me (these were harder to come up with than they should have been):
1.  I am nearly 21.
2.  I am Scottish.
3.  I have 4 pets - a cat, a bunny, a dog and a fish.
4.  I love online gaming.
5.  I have a baby brother.
6.  I have only recently started building on my 'designer' makeup collection.
7.  I have really long hair - I don't know what to do with it most of the time.
8.  I get mini panic attacks quite a lot.
9.  Half of my family lives on the other side of the world.
10.  I don't have tv in the traditional sense - only on my xbox and online.
11.  I love 'home' products.  Like my favourite aisles in the supermarket are in the home section.

I was obviously nominated by two lovely ladies so I will pick and choose the questions I would like to answer from each of them.

1.  Who are your top five favourite bloggers?
My top five favourite bloggers in no particular order are Zoella, Anna Saccone-Joly, Sprinkle of Glitter, VelvetGh0st and theycallmeredhead.

2.  Who is your celebrity role model/fashion icon?
I think it would probably be Zoe Sugg - I don't know if she counts as a real celebrity but I would say she does.  I think she is just so lovely and she puts a smile on my face every day - I admire that.

3.  Why did you decide to start blogging?
I don't really know why I did.  I just felt drawn to it like it was something I had to try out for myself and so far I love it.  I like sharing things with you guys and I think my blog is the perfect platform to do so.

4.  What is your favourite season?
My favourite season would have to be Autumn.  I really like autumn colours and I like the cold crisp air and the fashion and just everything.  Autumn suits me well and I feel the most comfortable around Autumn I think - it would be Winter if it didn't rain so much!

5.  What is one item of makeup that you could not live without?
For me it would probably be my mascara.  I mean I feel like I need all my makeup when I go out but if I could only pick one item out of everything I think it would be mascara.  I have pretty stubby eyelashes and when I put mascara on it seems to just brighten up my whole face - so yeah!

6.  Where is your favourite place to eat?
Absolutely without a doubt at home haha!  I really hate eating in front of people and I feel like when I eat in public people could be watching me and I have to eat 'properly'.  Just me in the house by myself? Great!  I love just sitting all relaxed with a plate of food and some netflix - no cares in the world haha!  (My favourite food type is Italian though).

7.  Heels or flats?
On everyone else - heels.  On myself definitely flats.  I wish wish wish I could pull off a pair of heels but unfortunately I can't walk in them to save my life.  I used to try and fall a lot and now I just save myself the public humiliation.  On a night out I will occasionally put on a pair of wedges but even then I teeter about like a fool.

8.  What is your favourite TV series?
Game of Thrones.  Love it.  If you don't watch it I seriously suggest you start.

9.  If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would you eat?
It's a tie between pasta or potatoes.  So healthy.  I have seen a good answer to this before though which was salad because salad can be anything - potato salad, tomato salad, pasta salad... it goes on.

10.  If you could live in any fantasy world where would you live?
Probably the world in the avatar movie but before the humans come along and ruin everything.

11.  What is your favourite film and why?
This is possibly the hardest question because there are way too many and I just love films.  Probably going to go with Black Beauty because I loved it as a kid and I still love it now.  Crying begins at the opening scene and doesn't end until the end credits.  Seriously.  I cry at the start when he is happy just because I know that he is going to get sad.  It's a real cry fest.

My nominees:
3.  CosySocks

Here are my 11 questions for you!

1.  Where did your blog inspiration come from?
2.  How long have you been blogging for?
3.  What is your favourite food?
4.  Where is your favourite place to visit?
5.  What is your favourite book?
6.  What is your favourite TV show?
7.  What is your favourite brand of makeup?
8.  What is more important to you - hair or makeup?
9.  If you could only grab one item from your room before leaving it forever what would it be?
10.  If you had to pick between a big night out or a cosy night in what would you pick?
11.  What is your dream job?

Thank you all for reading this post - it was actually a lot harder than I thought it was going to be!  If any of you lovely nominees do this leave me a comment and I'll hop over and check out your post!

robynisabella x

I seen that Liebster award picture floating around on a couple of other peoples posts.  I don't know who's it is to credit - if it's yours let me know and I will credit you in this post!


  1. Great answers Robyn! Thats funny I was just tweeting last night that I feel like the only one who doesn't watch Game of Thrones.. I think I'll have to start it soon! xx

    Ciara-Rose |

    1. You should it is so good!

      robynisabella x

  2. Thank you so much!
    Kelli xo

  3. Thanks so much for your nomination - I have answered your questions over on my blog

    Bernadette :)
