Wednesday 8 April 2015

Blog Post Disaster!

Hey guys!

I hope you have all had a lovely day!  The sun was shining here in Scotland and for once it was actually quite warm!  Today is a 'What's On Wednesday' which basically means I get to talk to you guys about whatever takes my fancy.  It's sort of like a get out of jail free card because there are no boundaries here.  Well, so I thought!  It turns out that leaving myself a 'free' day is actually quite a difficult spot to fill - there are so many options and possibilities that my mind scrambled around for a few days and eventually ran up dry.  I know, I hear you guys - but you only just started - this is your first What's On Wednesday ever!  I think that's what made it so hard.  

So anyway - fast forward a bit and I end up in a lovely sea side neighbouring town and suddenly an idea struck me.  Why don't I take pictures of the pretty sea side view and tell everyone about my lovely day out?  Sounds simple right?  Wrong.  So there I was snapping away (slightly embarrassed by people watching me do so) and soon after I popped myself on the train quite pleased with myself.

Fast forward about seven hours later and I have just sat down to edit these 'lovely' photos that I took.  But wait - my iphone decided that actually all of my pictures would be blurry, very poor quality and lack any real substance.  Lesson to self - don't leave blog editing until ten o'clock at night to then realise you have no content and pretty much - no blog post.

So that leaves us here - me sitting typing while trying to think of something lovely to post... I suppose I better do better next Wednesday.  Have a picture of my cat looking cute in the background.  I took this picture the other day but I'm going to use it now and pretend I just took it - see what I did there?  Genius.

Did you guys do anything today?  I hope your day went better than mine!
robynisabella x


  1. love it !! leson learned - never stop xx

  2. awwww sorry hun. I loved this post anyway :) Please check my posts in your free time. Better picture luck next time!

    1. Thanks for the response! I know I couldn't believe it! I'll head on over and check them out! x

  3. awwww sorry hun. I loved this post anyway :) Please check my posts in your free time. Better picture luck next time!
